Sharon Lampke
307 East Boulevard
Charlotte, NC, 28203
Curriculum Vitae
Carlton Gallery, Banner Elk, NC
Island Art Gallery, Pawleys Island, SC
StudioWorks Gallery. Charlotte, NC
Artists I have studied under: Andy Braitman, Nickolas Stewart, Allison Chambers, Elizabeth Ross
1978 – 1982 University of North Carolina at Charlotte: Fine Arts with emphasis in Education, Honors: Deans List, Founder/President of UNCC Art Club; Nominated Lectures/Fine Arts Chairperson on the University Program Board
1982 Central Piedmont Community College: Graphic Design
2018-Present Sharon Lampke Fine Art, Started out at my home studio, then joined Studioworks Artist Collective, where I produce and sell original artwork.
1999 – 2002 S. Lampke Fine Arts, Maintained an Art Studio in the Charlotte Art League and sold original artwork.
1994 – 1999 Lampke Design, Freelance Design Studio, Major Client – Charlotte Chamber since 1984, Handled/managed projects from concept to print
1989 – 1996 First Union National Bank, Senior Graphic Designer, Assistant Vice President – responsible for managing a team of designers, to conceptualize, design and produce printed pieces for First Union Marketing. Major Accomplishment: Redesign and production of First Union’s 48 page banking services catalogue. Additional projects: Redesign and coordination of all product brochures, sales campaigns, newsletters. Directed photography, illustration, freelancers and vendors, including printing.
1984 – 1994 Sharon Moss Graphic Design, Freelance Design Studio, Worked with various clients such as the Charlotte Chamber, major office developers, major financial institutions, advertising agencies. Handled/managed projects from concept to print.
1983 – 1984 Laseter & Parks Advertising Agency, Assistant Art Director – Responsible for design, layout and mechanical. Coordinated photographers, illustrators, copywriters.
1982 – 1983 Knight Publishing Co. “The Charlotte Observer”, Graphic Designer – Design, layout, mechanical for quick turnaround newspaper advertising and direct mail.
March 2024 - Featured Artist, Christ Church Gallery, Charlotte, NC
September 2024 - Featured Artist, Christ Church Gallery, Charlotte, NC
2024 - Basic Landscape Workshop, Braitman Studio, Charlotte, NC
Fall ‘21 through Spring ‘22 - Assisted and taught various classes at Braitman Studio, Charlotte, NC
2023 - Honorable Mention, Island Art Gallery w/cash award
2019 - Selected for Shain Gallery Up & Coming Artists
2001 - Charlotte Art League Spring Show Honorable Mention
1994 - Cash Award for excellent service to First Union Marketing Group
1992 - Best of Marketing Award
1992 - Award of Excellence from National Bank Marketing Association
1991 - (three) Best of Marketing Awards
1991 - PICA Best of Category
1988 - PICA Best of Show
1984 - Gold and Silver Addy
1982 - First Place in (two) Design Competitions, CPCC
1980 - Honorable Mention in Student Show, UNCC